Versie 2019.008.20071 wordt door Adobe als een Continuous update aangeduid. Met Reader is het overigens ook mogelijk om via een onlinetool eenvoudige pdf-documenten te maken. Acrobat Reader DC bestaat uit het commerciële pakket om pdf-documenten te creëren en de gratis Reader om ze te kunnen lezen. The above methods should help you to fix the problem, but if not, then you may use Chrome browser to open PDF files temporarily.Adobe heeft versie 2019 van Acrobat Reader DC uitgebracht. Adobe Acrobat DC is the most used software for professional people as it offers features that look futuristic. This brings us to the end of this guide for fixing Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Not Opening On Windows 11, 10, or 7 devices. For emergencies, you can even use Chrome browser or MS Edge browser to view PDF files as well. Apps such as PDF office, and WPS Office, Libre Office are free to use also come with PDF support. If none of the above methods helps you, then you can use other third-party applications as well. Now see if the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC not opening issue has been fixed or not.

Once the process is complete, reboot your PC.It will show a command line interface, you can choose steps no.Once you download and install the tool, launch the tool.So go ahead and download the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool from Adobe Labs. And since it comes directly from the app’s publisher, you can trust the application as well. Now again click on help from the toolbar and now click on check for update.Īdobe also has a pretty handy tool that is able to remove all the corrupt and conflicting installation files.Click on Repair Installation and click yes when it asks for your permission.You can repair your installation to check and fix any missing files during installation This only works if you can open your Adobe Acrobat DC and can not view any PDF. Restart your PC and see if the issue is resolved.A new window will pop up and select the recent updates from the list, and follow the on-screen instructions.Look for a View updates history and click on it and choose to uninstall updates.